恐怖 韓國 2021 7.0分
入庫更新時間:2024-06-23 23:51:42
The film begins with the title Chorokbam filling the screen, which is amazing to see. This is the very moment at which the audience decides to trust this film without hesitation. In terms of how to fill and empty the square frame, the film is bold and skillful. Chorok, meaning green in English, is the color of fate in this movie. The problems of all the family members a hopeless father who works as a night guard, a mother who is completely exhausted with house works, a poor son who works for the disabled and their funeral ceremony are all dominated by the color, green. It is not bright or fancy but dark and scary in some sense. With attractive images and scenes, the film develops a series of worldly episodes of a family up to the level of poetic sentiment of blues and depression. (JUNG Hanseok)光棍影院祝您觀影愉快,如果你有其他意見或建議歡迎留言反饋【點擊留言反饋】,平臺管理員不定期回復朋友們的信息,謝謝合作!